Β Trading Systems R&D of $GORN DAO
The Gorn Hegemony DAO deploys a portfolio of uncorrelated asset strategies with the aim to outperform the market, the Gorn algorithm vault. Greenlit trading systems that are Operational have undergone methods for validation, such as walk-forward analysis. Moreover, is Gorn utilizing a vast EasyLanguage (ESL) code repository with strategies, indicators as well as metasystems to improve profitability and trade efficiency of trading systems deployed in the Gorn DAO treasury.
Cylce after cycle Gorns and the community come up with new trading ideas that might just have the potential to become a successful trading system. Thatβs why the community of $GORN and the scally Gorn team work closely together to ignite new ideas into a fully-fledged stratagems. Strategies marked as "Work in Progress" (WIP) are our current research goals. If you have any thoughts, ideas or want to partake in our theorycrafting feel free to reach out to Gorn on Roll, Twitter or Gorn discord.
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Implemented trading systems are being operated within theΒ $GORN DAO treasury vault. Read more about the Gorn algorithm vault here or click on a strategy to read about it in detail. The trading systems listed here are Operational and have been greenlit by the $GORN community and the team, thus they have passed rigorous testing procedures. Click on Trackrecord of a strategy to view its financial performance demo (Incubation phase testing).
πΌRegime-switching strategies
πΌIntraday strategies

The Gorn DAO community and team are working ferociously to research different types of long term and short term trading strategies. The aim of the strategy repo is to "buidl" a strategy development knowledge foundation as well as EasyLanguage (ESL) codes for algorithmic trading strategies across the full asset spectrum, in order to ignite our community with actionable and easily accessible trading ideas.Β
In this stage, Gorn DAO transforms those trading ideas submitted by the community into research papers, containing analysis and recommendations. In the final greenlighting process of strategy development the holders of $GORN tokens will vote, if the strategy proposal, trackrecord and research backing it up will be implemented into the Gorn Alogrithm Vault. If individual members contribute towards research of the strategies listed below they would be elllible for a $GORN token reward based on merit.
Β R&D Repository
π Ensemble strategies
TRIN Strategy S&P500 (WIP)
π Intraday strategies
Gorn SR Scalping (Operational) (Trackrecord) (Research)
Gorn Swingtrade G1 (Operational) (Research)
Range Bound Flag Breakout (WIP)
Triangular Formations by Siligardo (WIP)
π Market-neutral strategies
Pairs trade (WIP)
π Regime-switching strategies
Market Phase Strategy by Dukas (Operational)(Research)
π Multi-timeframe strategies
2Period RSI by Connor (WIP)
π Misc. strategies
Christmas Trade Strategy (Seasonal Patterns) (Operational)
π Indicators, scripts and more
Breakeven Stop Gorn Version I (Operational)
Equity Curve Metasystem Gorn Version I (Operational)